Do Teeth Whitening Strips Work?

TeamCosmetic Dentistry, Teeth Whitening

If you’re looking for a bright new smile, teeth whitening is the best way to get that new, bright look. Whether your teeth are stained, yellowed, or uneven in color, teeth whitening is an effective and simple solution. 

In fact, most people find stains and yellowing will occur to teeth over time. Whitening your teeth will improve the way your teeth appear, and give you a more youthful, pleasing smile.

The type of whitening you choose affects the length of time whitening will last.

What Types of Teeth Whitening Can I Choose From?

You can choose from professional teeth whitening in your dentist’s office, or take-home kits provided by your dentist to allow pro whitening at home. Or, you can choose an over-the-counter whitening tool. 

Professional Whitening In-Office 

Your teeth can become up to 8 shades more white in a single visit to your dental team’s office. There, after whitening solution is applied to your teeth, a special laser light will be applied to activate teeth whitening quickly for a fast and aesthetically attractive result. 

Professional Teeth Whitening at Home

If you opt for professional tooth whitening at home, your dental team can provide that choice as well, designing personalized whitening trays for you to use at home, and providing you with a bleaching gel and instructions for optimal use. These kits also work well to help you maintain in-office whitening treatment as long as possible.

Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening 

If you choose a peroxide-based over-the-counter teeth whitening choice, you can choose from a variety of products, including teeth whitening strips.

How well teeth whitening strips, or any over-the-counter whitening product such as toothpaste, rinses, and gels, work depends on the concentration level of peroxide in the product. Typically, it ranges between 10% and 22%.

The Success of Teeth Whitening Strips

How well teeth whitening strips work depends on the peroxide concentration you purchase. Strips are usually more effective than toothpaste or rinses. 

Strips are coated with a peroxide-based gel, and are usually applied for around 30 minutes, twice a day for approximately two weeks. The effects will not be as noticeable or long-lasting as professional treatment from your dentist, but if discoloration or stains is fairly light, they can be quite effective.

Other Over-The-Counter Whitening Choices

Along with whitening strips, you can choose to apply a gel to the tooth surface using a small brush, twice a day for two weeks.

Or you can use tooth whitening toothpaste to remove surface stains. It does not contain bleach, so it will not make your teeth more than about a shade lighter. 

Whitening rinses or mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide work by whitening teeth when swished in the mouth twice a day for around a minute. They are less effective in general than other products you can purchase to whiten your teeth over the counter. 

Can Whitening Strips Damage My Teeth?

While professional teeth whitening cannot damage your teeth, over-the-counter products, including whitening strips can cause irritation and enamel damage over time, especially if used often. Whitening strips and other OTC products can also damage dental restoration work.

Will Teeth Whitening Last?

While not permanent, teeth whitening that is professionally done can last for years. Over-the-counter products like whitening strips will usually last for around four months. 

No teeth whitening treatment will last forever, but you can also help to extend your new shiny look with the practice of routine dental hygiene including regular twice daily brushing and flossing, and scheduled visits to your dentist for an exam and cleaning. It also can help to stay away from staining foods or beverages such as red wine or tea, as well as some berries. 

Want to Learn More about Options for Teeth Whitening?

If you’d like to learn more about teeth whitening options, from professional in-office treatment to over-the-counter products such as white strips, we are ready to help. Reach out to us at Golia Dental today!