senior woman wearing yellow sweater, smiling

Fixed Dental Implant Bridges vs. Snap on Dentures: What’s the Difference?


Are you comparing teeth replacement options? There are a few different solutions dentists can provide to replace missing or damaged teeth. Some of these options include fixed dental implant bridges and snap on dentures. Which option is best for you depends on a variety of factors.

First, it is important to understand the difference between these two solutions for teeth replacement.

What is a Fixed Dental Implant Bridge?

A bridge can be used to replace one or a few teeth in a row. The teeth on either side of a single missing tooth can be shaved down and fitted with crowns with the artificial tooth suspended between them, hence the name “bridge.” The artificial tooth sits on top of the gums where the missing or extracted tooth was. A bridge is permanently cemented into place on the existing teeth and can only be removed by a dentist.

If there are a few missing teeth in a row, it may be necessary to use a fixed dental implant bridge. This procedure involves placing two implants with a tooth or a row of teeth suspended between them. The implants act as the anchors rather than existing healthy teeth.

What are Snap-On Dentures?

The term “snap-on dentures” is used to describe two different types of dentures. Snap-on can mean that dentures are attached to existing teeth in the mouth or to dental implants. If there are still enough healthy teeth left in the mouth, it can be beneficial to use them as anchors for dentures or a partial prosthesis.

If all of the teeth need to be replaced, dental implants can be placed to provide an anchor for the dentures. A dental implant is an artificial tooth and root system that is surgically implanted in the jaw bone. The titanium root fuses with the jaw bone to form a solid hold that the dentures can be attached to. Usually only a few implants are required for snap-on dentures.

Which is the Better Option for Me?

The best tooth replacement option for you depends on your individual situation. If you are replacing just one tooth, the best option is one implant. A dental implant completely replaces the tooth and root so that it looks and functions just like a natural tooth. However, if cost is a concern, a bridge is less expensive. A bridge can easily replace a tooth as long as the teeth on either side are healthy. One disadvantage of a bridge is that you lose healthy tooth material when the teeth are shaved down to place the crowns. And because a bridge sits on top of the gum line, the jaw bone that once held the old tooth in place can begin to dissolve and weaken.

Dental implant supported dentures are better for someone who has no healthy teeth left or that can be saved. A few implants can be placed in the jaw to act as anchors for the dentures. The implants help to preserve bone strength in the jaw and give the dentures something to attach to. Traditional dentures attach to the gums via suction and denture adhesives. However, they are prone to slipping when eating and talking, which can cause pain and embarrassment.

In Summary:

  • Dental Implant Supported Bridges: best for one or just a few missing teeth. Can lessen the cost of implants because fewer are required.
  • Snap on Dentures: best for replacement of a complete arch of teeth. The existing teeth or dental implants help to preserve the jaw bone.

If you’re still not sure which option would be best for you, visit Golia Dental and speak with Dr. Golia about your situation. X-Rays may need to be taken to evaluate the bone density in your jaw and determine if you are an ideal candidate for dental implants. If you have significant bone loss, a bone graft procedure may be required to strengthen and regenerate the bone so that it can support one or more implants.

Golia Dental Specializes in Dental Implants and Related Services

Whether you’re in need of a dental implant, a bridge, or dentures, Golia Dental provides all of these procedures and services. We are a comprehensive family dental practice taking care of all your dental needs in one location.

Call (203) 248-7400 or contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you restore your smile.